Team Carnage Recruiting! (in General)

TheEvolution July 6 2005 10:43 AM EDT

Yes, Team Carnage will be the new clan on the block. We need more people to join that has dedication. Right now we have 5 members, Well if you get at least 2k Clan Points daily and you're interested post here, thanks. ;)

TheEvolution July 6 2005 10:55 AM EDT

The following are joining:
- Myself (Evolution)
- I Am [Lazy]
- Odysseus
- Aco
- Shattered2Perfection

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] July 6 2005 10:58 AM EDT

How many CP's do these people make, and yourself?

I keep around 3k a day

TheEvolution July 6 2005 11:05 AM EDT

I don't know exactly, though I know each of them make over 2k CPs each day.

TheEvolution July 6 2005 11:06 AM EDT

Oh, I make about 3k Clan Points daily.

TheEvolution July 6 2005 12:31 PM EDT

Okay, Rythgar is now joining. We are now closed.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] July 6 2005 12:34 PM EDT

I may want to join, am i still able to? i just want to know if you guys will keep a steady 2.5k or so each...

TheEvolution July 6 2005 12:36 PM EDT

Sorry smallpau1, I don't think there will be enough room for you. :(

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] July 6 2005 12:36 PM EDT

I had interest before Rythgar did....=/

House July 6 2005 3:00 PM EDT

he stole half the peeps for my new clan...left me know i mobbed up....

House July 7 2005 1:34 AM EDT

S2P had a really good idea about this clan in a different thread......something about fuzzy slippers...
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