strat help (in General)

trigun July 8 2005 6:38 PM EDT

ok..on my character the shell bullet..i've noticed my score is not going any higher maybe because of my strategy..can you guys please help me decide whether i should stick with amf..or unlearn it and learn DM instead? and on core splendour..up to what dx should i stop? because that semi-tank cannot compete with toa tanks..but it can hit double on mages and enchanters...thanks. ^_^

QBJohn Birk [Black Cheetah Bazaar] July 8 2005 6:56 PM EDT

OK here goes, remember this is just one opinion.

Basically with a non-tank boosting tat, you are spread to thin. A pretty big DM and you are in real trouble. Thats why you trained your HP on your tank so high. So if you want to use a non-tat wearing tank, leverage its advantages. Get stat boosting gear even if you rent it. Get MCM if nothing else, leverage the fact that you actually can have armor. That small 40 AC on your enchanters stops 8.4% physical and 5.67% magic damage, if you need to, get rid of all of that NW and put it into the tank and mage.

Right now you have the ToJ in back because he is the only one that can hit anyone in melee. If you get those tank stats up, along with the + to hit on the weapons, then put the ToJ on Justice. That will allow you to add CoI to the mage.

Also consider this. Maybe since you are so heavily invested in the success of AS, you might consider doubling up on it and dropping GA. I know GA is a good spell. I trained my DM for the reason of stopping it. But, you need all the HP you can, so you can stop training it, and get those tank stats up.

Anyway, just a few suggestions. Feel free to ask specific questions in post or via CM :)

trigun July 8 2005 7:07 PM EDT

thanks for the quick reply man..just a few questions..when u said boost my tank stats..should i just start training str for now? and dex later? and did you say that i should go for amf or DM? thanks.^_^

BooDiggens July 8 2005 7:22 PM EDT

Personally, I think about dex first and str later. I currently have a light tank, and I'm pumping his dex, and using elven gear. I figure eventually, at a much higher MPR, my ability to wear every piece of elven gear, will help me to close the gap of ToA tanks.

QBJohn Birk [Black Cheetah Bazaar] July 8 2005 8:20 PM EDT

Well, I would pump both DX and ST, but DX will be more important. AMF vs. DM is a tough long discussion. I like DM with seekers, but I do not recommend it. AMF may be your best choice so far, but it all matters on who you lose too and why. If your HP can carry you against the magic damage, maybe DM, if mages are killing you AMF.

trigun July 9 2005 2:44 AM EDT

hei sefton..about doubling up my AS..if i had 2 AS of the same level..and for example my opponents DM is bigger than both of them..but in actual combat..will the AS stack first and there only one or half the AS will be dispelled? or won't i be able to cast AS at all? thanks.^_^

[T]Vestax July 9 2005 2:47 AM EDT

The amount of DM get's subtracted from both. So you won't be able to cast AS at all.
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