Some clearing up (in Public Record)

SaintMichael July 10 2005 7:46 PM EDT

Okay, someone is going about the CB community and fouling up my name, I have suspicions but I'd like them to stop. They claim I'm a runescape scammer and that I "scammed" a rune scimmy, It's true that's what the post says. But that is not what I was trying to indicate. When I "scammed" that rune scimmy it was perfectly legal because I use the scam interchangeably with player kill I often have some miscommunications and that comment was explained. But there is someone who either missed that or doesn't believe me to who I say look at my impeachable CB record, kicked once a long time ago for spam. Never 48ed, or killed. So, please, stop going around and sliding deals out from under me.
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