Why Me? =\ (in General)

LumpBot July 11 2005 1:49 AM EDT

This isn't the first time and it's very very frustrating.
I somehow am given 920 BA.

That sounds like a blessing right?
WRONG, my side bars won't work, so I can' check out community or Business without clicking on the icon and going from there.

As a camper, this makes my BA useless. This has happened twice this month all ready.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] July 11 2005 1:51 AM EDT

log out and login doesnt work?

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] July 11 2005 1:52 AM EDT

Or even......a refresh? lol

LumpBot July 11 2005 1:53 AM EDT

I tried.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] July 11 2005 1:53 AM EDT

sry for the third post, but i got 36 free BA like 8 minutes ago.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 11 2005 1:53 AM EDT

make links in for everything in favorites and use tab in firefox duh!

LumpBot July 11 2005 1:54 AM EDT

I get free BA everday. But usually only like 50 or 100. Not 900. Also this affects mozilla, IE, and on different computers

LumpBot July 11 2005 1:55 AM EDT

I found a way to get around. I just make new links. but WHY me?

Jason Bourne July 11 2005 1:57 AM EDT

seriously, jon is giving you ba cause he doesnt like campers :D

maybe he figures that if he gives you sooo much ba, you will burn yourself out :P

LumpBot July 11 2005 1:59 AM EDT

It's 2 am here! I was going to bed but I noticed this weird number next to my PR....it was my BA so now I feel obligated to spend this BA

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] July 11 2005 2:03 AM EDT

too bad you dont fight and/or in a clan (on obvious days) to get like 10k CP's....rofl

LumpBot July 11 2005 2:04 AM EDT

Lol, I think I'll have close to about 2,000 store visits and I wans't even home today.

LumpBot July 11 2005 3:26 AM EDT

Well that was a huge waste of BA and time =\
Maybe it was Jon pulling a prank =P

sssimmo July 11 2005 4:17 AM EDT

wish he'd pull pranks like that on sssimmo!

Where's sssimmo's multiple copies of ba???
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