Cleaning out my account (in Public Record)

WAR420 July 12 2005 11:53 PM EDT

I've been meaning to do this for a while. I figured I'd give away the stuff that I've earned to 2 people that were good to me the year or so that I played. So I'm giving all my stuff to Biscuitback and G Maximus, both of whom earned these items by helping me out with strats and giving me brigs, loaning me tats, etc.

This shouldnt be a problem because none of these items are elite and I dont want anything for them.... plus I'm sure some people remember me, so there shouldnt be any multi issues. I'm posting this however, so that it dosent cause them any problems.

Thank You

Quark July 13 2005 2:39 PM EDT

It was a pleasure to have clanned with War during the early days of CB2. Explains why a bunch of stuff showed up in my inventory!
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