Strat Wondering (in General)

{CB1}Lukeyman July 13 2005 11:01 AM EDT

Ok, I'm just wondering if I should keep SMTOE.


It seems that i'm not increasing in my enemy's to kill at a higher level.

any help would be appreciated.

QBJohnnywas July 13 2005 11:08 AM EDT

Check out Carnt Spall's post from yesterday 'An Observation'. None of us at our level are doing too well at jumping a level. In particular check out Sefton's comments in that post for advice that I think would be helpful to you.

Sorry to just name the post - I can never get links to show up!

[T]Vestax July 13 2005 12:16 PM EDT

An Observation Another point is that as you go higher the FB Mage protection get's thicker. This protection is also quite effective against the SMTOE CoC mage as well. There won't be much you can do until you either changer your strat or until you simply beat the upper guys in MPR growth. But as explained in the above post that may not be easy without being able to beat on anyone bigger then yourself.

BrandonLP July 13 2005 1:58 PM EDT

Add a Wall. A Wall is the best thing to happen to a CoC-using SMToE.

TheEvolution July 13 2005 2:01 PM EDT

Ya, maybe do what I did with Death Spawn.
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