xDanELx/Spaceman[camperr] Cornuthaum deal (in Public Record)

xDanELx July 13 2005 2:34 PM EDT

I'm buying a Cornuthaum of Spaceman[camperr] for 3 mil on a payplan.

xDanELx July 13 2005 2:45 PM EDT

First payment:

xDanELx (Uncle Scrooge) Spaceman[camperr] (John Doe) $1700000 -- downpayment Corn 2:35 PM EDT (CB2)

xDanELx (Uncle Scrooge) Spaceman (AquaTeen Hunger Force) $1200000 -- downpayment cb2 corn 2:42 PM EDT (cb1; 6:1)

Total Payment: CB2$ 3mil
Total Paid: CB2$ 1.7mil + .2mil
Total Owing: CB2$ 1.1mil + (3% per week)

xDanELx July 20 2005 6:14 PM EDT

Second payment:

xDanELx (Uncle Scrooge) Spaceman[camperr] (John Doe) $300000 -- Corn payment 6:09 PM EDT

xDanELx (Uncle Scrooge) Spaceman (Sober) $2400000 -- cb2 corn payment 6:11 PM EDT (cb1; 6:1)

Total Payment: CB2$ 3mil
Total Paid: CB2$ 2mil + .6mil
Total Owing: CB2$ 2.6mil + (3% per week)

xDanELx July 20 2005 6:15 PM EDT


Total Owing: CB2$ .4mil + (3% per week)


xDanELx July 23 2005 9:40 PM EDT

Final payment:

xDanELx (Uncle Scrooge) Spaceman[camperr] (John Doe) $230000 -- final for Corn 9:38 PM EDT

xDanELx (Uncle Scrooge) Spaceman (Sober) $1500000 -- final CB2 Corn 9:35 PM EDT

Total Payment: CB2$ 3mil
Total Paid: CB2$ 2.23mil + .85mil (includes interest and a bit extra)
Total Owing: CB2$ 0
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