No longer playing to win. (in General)

AvoidCXT July 14 2005 2:54 AM EDT

Basically, spending my ba has started to become less a game and more like an obligation, so I'm gonna stop playing to win, and instead of making sure I miss very little ba, I'll log on just once or twice a week. That would mean that The First would drop out of the top 10 pretty quickly, so I'm gonna sell him to someone that can keep him up there, or at least give me lots of money. Then I'm gonna make a solo tank, because a solo tank is the epitome of not-playing-to-win.

Anyways, I'm sure some of you are wondering what fighting naked has to do with playing to win. I was doing the same thing I did for The Last on cb1, fight as a mage team while buying and forging and renting tank gear. Then, when I felt my tank gear was big enough, switch to a tank based team. The rental stuff was starting smoothly enough, I had about 700k gross profit out off the 6-7m I've spent on stuff other than ba.

I'd like to thank Jon for making a game that broke my longest interest streak record, with a streak almost two years long. The previous record was Warcraft III with almost a month.

Look for the FS post coming soon to a fs/wtb forum near you.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 14 2005 3:13 AM EDT

aww bummer...but I'll be glad to beat on your tank!

{CB3}-HR22 July 14 2005 5:00 PM EDT

o darn, bye bye
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