Kira Yamato
July 15 2005 12:59 AM EDT
recently there is a commotion about this account being a multi.
i shall solve this mystery here.
this account username :Kira Yamato is owned by me
the other account username :GBL is owned by my brother
the next account username :inuyasha is owned by my cousin
Please do not mistake this 3 accounts as multi again.
This thread is closed!
I really don't think saying "this thread is closed!" has any effect especially in this case
I'm sure an admin or someone is looking deeper into this so i wont say anything about that but just so you know not transferring stuff between the accounts is a good rule to follow when dealing with separate accounts on the same ip
July 15 2005 1:13 AM EDT
i agree to the fact what the owner of the username :Kira Yamato had said.
Special J
July 15 2005 1:31 AM EDT
No one sided transfers between the accounts, and keep trades to a min.
July 15 2005 1:32 AM EDT
My skin is green.
Just because you say it....
"i agree to the fact what the owner of the username :Kira Yamato had said. "
Who says that????
Why didnt you just say, "what my bro said"....?
just you saying "username" in context like that makes this look suspicious to me...=X
July 15 2005 7:23 AM EDT
firstly the owner of the username :Kira Yamato is my sister,not my brother.
secondly, i write like that is because i do not want to confuse you all by writing" i agree to what my sister had said"
U ALL will wonder who is my sister?
Creating this post in the first place will make 99% of people more suspicious than they first were.
Secondly, making a post and having the other username reply does not prove anything, the only way to remove suspicion would be to have all 3 of you log into chat at the same time from seperate locations.
Just by looking at this and the suspicious messages I come to a verdict of you being a multi, but that is from suspicion and I haven't seen your transfer logs.
July 15 2005 7:33 AM EDT
I usually don't get on these threads at all because usually the admins take care of it completely, but I had one question.
If inuyasha is your cousin. Who is inuyasha 1. your other cousin. That account was made just yesterday.
Also looking at your 3 accounts. There has been about 3 instances of 1 sided trading. Where one account send 35k and another instance of sending 50k for no reason what-so-ever to the other. That type of behaviour really makes people believe you are a multi.
Well again. I'll leave this to a admin.
July 15 2005 8:59 AM EDT
Just a comment,
give them benefit of a doubt.
people should be innocent until proven guilty not guilty until proven innocent.
Jon should just allow multi. I'm thinking half of all players are multis anyways. I'm pretty sure Sefton and Ranger are the same person. Undertow and YOU are the same. Chet and Mythology are the same person. The entire Elven Blood clan is my multi. We should just all fess up.
This thread is closed!
July 15 2005 9:21 AM EDT
It's true! Flipperkill and I are actually the same camper. I just fly down to Australia whenever I camp as him. =\
AdminG Beee
July 15 2005 9:30 AM EDT
/me shudders at the thought of Chet and Myth being the same person. Can you imagine the length of the posts...
Doesn't matter. it would take the same amount of time to ignore the posts. Or you can do what I do and just wait until someone else actually reads their posts and summarizes it in one sentence.
July 15 2005 9:53 AM EDT
Jibfest just had me crack up in the middle of work.
Thankfully no one found out that Fuh, Leon, Lukey, WCH, and Kai/Tenchi/Whatever are all me. Either that or Jibfest knew and he was just protecting me. Crap... ;)
July 15 2005 9:56 AM EDT
You mean all the former Fuhgs and NotFuhgs really were all Fuhg? Whoa - such a perfect disguise!
July 15 2005 10:17 AM EDT
/me shudders at the thought of Chet and Myth being the same person. Can you imagine the length of the posts...
--G Beee, 9:30 AM EDT
If they are Multi's, let it go, Bart will find
Lol, you should read your own post.
i know what i said up, but i know they'll find it...=P
July 15 2005 10:52 AM EDT
That's it. I am never posting again.
This thread is closed.
July 15 2005 10:53 AM EDT
I asked Kira to make a post explaining her situation with her brother and cousin. I ask that you all give them the benefit of the doubt.
Thread closed.
July 15 2005 10:54 AM EDT
I find most of what you say NIxon to be suspect... except for the part about the Elven Blood Clan, we all know they have to be the same person.
This thread is closed to new posts.