Lukey/BrandonLP deal (in Public Record)

BrandonLP July 15 2005 2:32 PM EDT

I'm paying for a Guild Wars account for Lukey in exchange for 5 mil on a p/p with no interest the first two weeks. After that, it's 5% on the remaining balance. This thread isn't because I don't trust Lukey, but because it's the easiest way to keep track of payments and such. Once he confirms, I'll get the account and hand over info.

{CB1}Lukeyman July 15 2005 2:37 PM EDT

Confirmed! I can't wait! Thank you BLP!

{CB1}Lukeyman July 15 2005 7:08 PM EDT

Ok, BLP, once again, I go into something i didn't bother checking out, My PC won't run the game, sorry, I checked around fourms, posted and everyone said it wouldn't work due to memory and video card..

So i guess the deals off, sorry, i just want to post(i haven't talked to you yet) so just incase you buy it beofre i talk to you, incase you see this first.
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