Warchild and Boo deal (in Public Record)

BooDiggens July 21 2005 1:08 PM EDT

I'm selling A Blacksword of Nan Elmoth [92x38] (+16) 794,960 to Warchild for 2.8 mil CB on a p/p, with no interest. (note: no interest only because I've dealt with Warchild in the past, and he's the man)

Take as long as you'd like bro.

Warchild July 21 2005 1:11 PM EDT

Thanks man,

sending 1.7mil first payment now

Warchild July 22 2005 12:47 AM EDT

I will be adding 1.4 mil to Boo's MH (when melris is done forging on it) to pay the remaining 1.1mil on the BoNE
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