Wiki Issues (in General)

Special J July 23 2005 1:24 AM EDT

I want to bring something to attention,

There recently was a person who was attempting to deface the wiki. I want to make sure all of you know what happens when you do this, and hope to prevent future morons from bothering.

Banned Fool (pops)

Friends do not let friends get banned for being retarded.

RareSumo [Lucid Dreams] July 23 2005 10:29 AM EDT

If it was like the boards and you had to verify your email addy, it would at least slightly defer people from signing up and making accounts just to deface the Wiki. Then again, if someone's determined to do something, they'll do it.

Special J July 23 2005 12:44 PM EDT

The admins have ways of dealing with those who simply sign up multiple accounts to deface the work of this community, they have been dealing with children for a long time now.
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