Another One (in Off-topic)

Templar July 23 2005 8:40 PM EDT

Another game in the extensive network of games i play :-D Anyway, the game is Kigns of Chaos. Anyone who wants to play, click the link, do the # thing, and then click "join the war" if you decide to play, using this link, it'll automatically make you my officer. I provide pretection..... that's more than most commanders in the game can say. Enjoy. P.S. this is age 4 of KoC, i played ages 1,2, and 3. So im pretty good.

Toastmanfoo July 24 2005 2:59 AM EDT

Well good for you but theres a problem...THERE"S NO LINK TO CLICK MAN!!!! HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO CLICK A LINK THAT IS NOT EVEN THERE!!!!...ok enough with the shouting thinks for the suggestion

Pleasantly yours,

Salamander Mac

1/2 of The Drunken Duo
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