OK I'm stuck.... (in General)

QBJohnnywas July 25 2005 12:56 PM EDT

Right, I've reached a certain level scorewise with Jack Crow where I appear to have hit a glass ceiling. I was a FB mage with FF until a few days ago. Added a couple of extra minions. Changed from FB to CoC, gone from the FF to ToE. Partly because I was getting a bit fed up of kiling myself with FB friendly fire and also because this change was always part of my longer term plan for my char (see my farm Raven for an earlier example). All well and good. My fightlist has actually expanded which is nice. But I can't get above where I am now. I buy BA every day so my char is growing at a decent rate and I've gotten pretty good at working out which strats are vulnerable to mine and which are going to stomp me. But can I break out into the next level of score - nope.

I know one of the reasons why I can't beat a lot of the people above me - mostly their PR is at least 100k above mine and in a lot of cases a lot more than that. So I ask - how can I increase my own PR in a way that is beneficial to my char? I was renting some very large DB's and while I still had the FF a large CoI but to be honest with you my fightlist didn't change at all with them or without them. Am I just looking at being patient and fighting hard at this level while I wait for my PR to grow? I don't want to go down a tank route - the big ELB and ToA doesn't appeal. And in terms of mage teams this one is actually more efficient than my FB/FF combo.

Thoughts critisicms and even flamings please Cb2ers.


Quark July 25 2005 1:02 PM EDT

Keep in mind you're at a PR / score band where there's a big gap above you, so it may take a long time of consistent play to jump up. Your strat change sounds like it's been beneficial - as long as your EXP rewards are better, it's a patience game now.

Jason Bourne July 25 2005 1:07 PM EDT

yep, patience...the jump from 600k score is like the jump from 750k to 800k. right now your score to pr ratio is pretty impressive....just keep it up, and eventually you will move up the ranks...

sometimes its hard not seeing any real progress...i went a month with Team 7 and was still in 6th place, so i know how bad it is :D just keep plugging away though.

QBJohnnywas July 25 2005 1:17 PM EDT

lol I was afraid that was what people were going to say! Thanks guys =)

[-war-] July 25 2005 5:16 PM EDT

my score hits almost 600k and I have 230k mpr

This is my only character strat that been working for me for a while now compared to other methods I tried, also I used to have a toj and now I switched it to coc which seems more vulnerable though but when it does attack, I have much less amount of rounds in combat to kill the enemy.
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