KaLiBuR, you there? (in General)

Jason Bourne July 25 2005 1:01 PM EDT

hey, if you changed your name, i dont know what it is now, and i couldnt find it in recent name changes....

we have some open space in the clan now, and its possible that we might be able to fit you in again! just wanted to give you the first open spot =D

TheEvolution July 25 2005 1:05 PM EDT

The Thread: Multi: MiRaJe, Mophestus, KaLiBuR

"All banned. Repossessed the items and cash KaLiBuR sent to innocent newbies "cause i didn't want to see good items go to waste when i get banned...."

Jason Bourne July 27 2005 12:37 AM EDT

well, that sucks :D
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