Mathematics (help needed) (in Off-topic)

iceforge July 28 2005 3:20 PM EDT

Okay, I stopped at college a good while ago and dont have my notes or books anymore, so I need a bit of help (for some programming I do when not working)

A Function to hit CLOSE to 100 but never 100 would be?

100 - 100 / X^y

I know that one? Other ways?

A function to increase more and more over time?

100 + x * (1,01^x)

Other ways?

I mean, like 100, then increase to 210, then to 311, then to 435 and so on :)

If you know what I mean and can help, please do :D

chernobyl July 28 2005 3:33 PM EDT

OK, so there is the obvious 100-(x^2), but you're probably looking for a "horizontal asymptote"
Busting out the Calculus book...

try (-1/(x^2))+100 and see if that fits your bill?

iceforge July 29 2005 5:28 PM EDT

Thanks for the help man :D appriciated, not quite was I needed, but it gave me the needed reminder, so it worked ;)
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