Trying to find 2 old games, please help. (in Off-topic)

I finally see August 1 2005 1:57 AM EDT

As the title suggests I am trying to find 2 old DOS games, but I only have very basic descriptions. The first was a side scroller involving the killing of monsters. You were a guy who wore a hat, and in the first part you started out with your pickup truck on the far left of the screen. You jumped onto a tree, and into the window of a mansion. He wielded a shotgun and possibly other weapons later maybe. As I remember your overall quest was to rescue your brother from some kind of evil monster presence. Also I remember one boss who was a giant frankenstein monster (NOTE: I am not positive about this.) Anyone who even has an iota about this and leads me to a title will be rewarded in some way.

The second game was another side scroller in which a boy traveled into an alternate dimension in an attempt to rescue his dog who was going to have something done to him by some evil doctor (?). He wielded a sling shot, and I remember that one boss was a clone of the boy. Anyone who can help me find this one will also be rewarded. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, I only prey that I can find these games because this is driving me nuts. Again, I don't need a place to dl the games legally (though that would be great) I am simply requesting the titles of these games.

InebriatedArsonist August 1 2005 2:07 AM EDT

I believe the second game you're looking for is Monster Bash.

Undertow August 1 2005 2:10 AM EDT

Off topic, but vicious, I LOVE YOUR USER PICK!

I <3 exploding dog.

I finally see August 1 2005 2:15 AM EDT

You are correct IA. Color me impressed. I will find a fitting reward as soon as the other game is found. Thanks a bunch.

InebriatedArsonist August 1 2005 2:17 AM EDT

Now that I think about it, the first game might be Dangerous Dave 2, but I'm not quite sure.
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