Anagrams (in Off-topic)

Grim Reaper August 1 2005 2:37 AM EDT

After trying to figure out the number for fantasysaga's letters I ended up searching for a site that will let me enter what I want and have a bunch of words and phrases decyphered for me, So I stumbled onto this site which is sad, interesting, and helearious.

To those of you that are asking, how is it sad? The answer: certain events in history using their names spell out what happened to them/the truth of what happened, things that got there ironically.

How is it interesting? Umm it just is.

How is it funny? Same thing as I said about event being sad except some of them are funny instead of sad.
First off when you get to the site you can just enter your letters upto 18.
Then there are bunch of links to other funny and sad anagrams by news headlines/events, things people wrote such as letters, and some definitions of different things that are related to anagrams.
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