i need help i am a newb (in General)

BlackNight August 1 2005 2:04 PM EDT

can i get some stuff most of my stuff is rented

Special J August 1 2005 2:06 PM EDT

Stop renting and start buying.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] August 1 2005 2:09 PM EDT

you still haven't got much money so I suggest you keep renting low stuff until you can afford better equipment for yourself

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] August 1 2005 2:10 PM EDT

I also suggest that you have only one tank, you only have enough allowance for weapons for one tank right now and it will be easier to advance with mages.

Biscuitback August 1 2005 2:11 PM EDT

i'm pretty sure you get a NUB bonus. you'll be alright. just keep fighting and you'll make enough money to get what ever you want. believe me.

[T]Vestax August 1 2005 2:24 PM EDT

Begging for money and/or items is also looked down upon here at CB. Often if you ask for advice in chat someone will help you and sometimes even mentor you as people have tried to do in this post. Many times if you listen to what they have to say and try to understand the reasons why, you will automatically be rewarded. Even if you don't get an item, the advice is more helpful then the items 99% of the time.

Now I might as well follow that up with some topical advice. In this game collecting random gear does not always benefit you. It would be easy for someone to dump a high Net Worth (NW) Staff Sling without giving you ammo or a Big Double Chain Mail to protect your 1200 HP. However, these items would only succeed in drastically lowering your rewards without advancing your fightlist enough to overcome the costs. Since rewards translates to growth, this means you would stay on the bottom for no reason since no gear would have been better then these items.

The trick to this game is to keep your PR as minimal as possible while increasing the scores on your fightlist as much as possible. Good Luck.

[T]Vestax August 1 2005 2:34 PM EDT

I deleted BlackNight's other post since moving it would force me to fine him for more money then he was asking for and for more money then he actually has.
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