Origins of Hell recruiting (in General)

5583 days old {Gaza} August 3 2005 7:35 AM EDT

This is a clan for vets who don't much care for clan fighting but would like to be in a clan of vets... you will be expected to contribute 50 clan points per day on average; give or take 50 should I cease to care (which will probably happen once this post is confirmed). The main requirements is to have been a member of Cb for >2 years; and preferably old valinorian chat people :-)

empty orchestra August 3 2005 8:48 AM EDT

long live the clam! *bivalve noise*

[SoV] Shiv [/me Forge Stuff :D] August 4 2005 5:04 AM EDT

clams? steamed hams? maybe next time gaza...

/me secretly persuades 666 to join the real dark side...of the nomads.

empty orchestra August 4 2005 6:06 AM EDT

i would've been a nomad if yous accepted me when i first resurfaced. =P
*throws stale cold cuts @ shiv while cackling wildly*
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