Multi: doodoo, lifephobia, halo, hellisarisen, HeavenShallBurn, bloodl (in Public Record)

RareSumo [Lucid Dreams] August 5 2005 2:00 AM EDT

They all use the IP Addy;, and are all relatively new. I put this in the PR forum so bart can either verify and reply with his action, or he can deny the claim.

RareSumo [Lucid Dreams] August 5 2005 2:54 AM EDT

<doodoo> hw do i change me email address on my acc
<DoS> settings>update
<freed> tried to buy some BA - it says I have purchased as much as I can today
<RareSumo> -.- why not close that account? you have 5 others
<2B> oki doki freed, i'll keep you company :P
<doodoo> cause i cant decide
<doodoo> i hate them all
<IMaLOANER8(> thats a confession
<doodoo> they never turn out right
<DoS> buh buh buh
<IMaLOANER8(> thats a confession
<DoS> very good loner
<DoS> loaner*
<DoS> :P i say it my way
<doodoo> wat is that
<IMaLOANER8(> thats just makes me wanna vomit
<doodoo> everyone keeps saying it
<DoS> your only suppose to have 1 account
<DoS> multis are deleted and banned
<IMaLOANER8(> for life
<doodoo> i dont get it
<DoS> main (if you have one) will be reset
<Koala> ip banned
<doodoo> i dont like my old ones
<DoS> 1 account only
<DoS> nah
<DoS> hes new
<doodoo> should i delete my old ones
<DoS> just dont go on the others
<Koala> should contact an admin
Blondebabygirl12 left the room.
<doodoo> fine ill stick to my other one i guess
<doodoo> this one turned out dumb
<DoS> but you did transfer money so you will be reset
<RareSumo> Bart (or another admin) is going to take care of it, I've posted this in the PR forum.

Confession anyone?
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