You want a real camping secret? (possible bug) (in General)

Xiaz on Hiatus August 7 2005 10:19 PM EDT

Back in the days of CB1, I use to wonder how the botcheck system worked. In fact I suggested that the fight bans and store bans be seperated.

Some may remember my streak of getting rare items from the store (I didn't pay for many rares on CB1), and at the same time fighting an insane amount.

How did I do it? Fight and enter the store after every 10 battles? No.

The answer, the botchecks from your fights and store visits has always been connected (from what I've seen), being the curious lad I was one day I began fighting and once a botcheck appeared I opened the armour/weapon stores in a new window. What do ya know? The same botcheck, I answered it in fights, proceeded to the next fight and then refreshed my store window and entered the store. All in one botcheck.

I've no idea if others have used this in the past or present, but I think it should be made known. A bug? Jon can decide.

Me walks into the store. ;)

mchaos August 7 2005 10:36 PM EDT

I've also noticed this, it's not really a bug persay, the store visit still uses BA, and you had to pass a botcheck to get into the store, so I don't know how anyone could exploit this.

maulaxe August 7 2005 10:38 PM EDT

how does that benefit you? you don't save anything except aswering an extra bot check every once in a while...?

CoolWater August 8 2005 2:45 AM EDT

Maulaxe, that way makes it look like you saved a few seconds from typing the bot check and gets you right into the store quicker. But it doesn't really play a big part in camping the store.

Myonax August 10 2005 3:53 PM EDT

If a bot check fails to load when I am fighting I have always just clicked on the store link to get it to reload. So I knew they were connected. I didn't realize you could use your ba for both at same time though.
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