What of the BtH had VA proportional to its X (in General)

Quark August 10 2005 9:28 AM EDT

This could apply to the morg as well, but what if it had VA powers more like the drain function of the axbow / exbow? It could of course be capped to avoid being too strong. Just an idea - I'm wondering why the inherent property of some items are still fixed percentages while others are now a sliding scale based on the enchantment level.

[T]Vestax August 10 2005 9:58 AM EDT

I think it's because weapons inherently have a stat in relation to the opponents HP, namely damage, that it can use to calculate a number for it's VA. However, it makes little sense to have an axbow's DX reduction or an exbow's ST reduction based on what happens to the opponents HP, so a new method needed to be devised, namely relating the reduction to the x.

Regardless of this being the reason why things have evolved this way, you may be right in wanting VA related to x. Yet, then again I'm still not sure since exbow and axbow work as a combination of a flat reduction plus a percentile reduction (most likely). Having a weapon with a fixed hp drain, even if it is capped by damage, might lead to BoTHs and Morgs draining more then 20% HP most of the time, (people who generally own a BoTH or Morg generally have the money to make the x big) making them more powerful then ever. Unless you want to make the cap 20%, then this is just a BoTH and Morg nerf idea.

What you really need to ask yourself is, "What exactly is broken in the current setup of BoTH and Morg HP drain."

LumpBot August 10 2005 10:00 AM EDT

The cap would have to be pretty quickly reached. If the cap was maxed and VA enchatment used on a non-DM team, then you could be gaining as much damage as you deal. This would be a pretty confusing %

[EG] Almuric August 10 2005 10:02 AM EDT

A BoTh/Morg's VA is proportional to its X.

The more X you have, the more damage you do, the more HP you get back via VA. The fact that it's not directly proportional doesn't mean anything - it's still proportional... just not exactly.

Quark August 10 2005 10:09 AM EDT

Almuric's right - silly idea, anyway.
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