Having same ip address (in Public Record)

Mirage(Camper) [CharlieChocolateFactory] August 10 2005 9:30 AM EDT

Me and my bro(SSJFusion) was using the same computer(which means same ip address) so please dont blame me for multiple acc =)

[T]Vestax August 10 2005 9:37 AM EDT

Don't pass items or money between these accounts and you should be fine.

Sukotto [lookingglas] August 10 2005 11:38 AM EDT

The rule is that, you must keep everything above board. If you perform a service , or pass an item, you must pay market price for it. If you want to be really smart, make a PR thread to record those transfers.

The thing that isn't allowed is transfers that only go one way (eg. sending cash/items to one character without getting a reasonable amount of cash/items back in return)

Synco August 10 2005 11:45 AM EDT

Yeah, so no gifts. =/
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