Money owed to Nexium_Crash (in Public Record)

Lu Bu[willsue] August 10 2005 12:40 PM EDT

I owe Nexium_Crash 600k

SaintMichael August 10 2005 12:41 PM EDT

Alright, confirmed, sending the VB now on a pay plan of 600k.

Lu Bu[willsue] August 10 2005 2:00 PM EDT

Lu BuII (Lu Bu Commander) Nexium Crash (Tribute) $200000 -- 1/3 of it 1:59 PM EDT

200k sent to him

Lu Bu[willsue] August 10 2005 11:47 PM EDT

for now i have to send money to bull3t f4c3 so nexium can pay him the money he owes so the rest of the money will go to him for now on

Lu Bu[willsue] August 12 2005 9:36 PM EDT

Lu BuII (Lu Bu Commander) Bull3t F4c3{loanz} (The Incredibles) $400000 9:35 PM EDT. Debt paid and done
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