Gaza's Weekly Camping Report (4th-10th August) (in General)

5583 days old {Gaza} August 11 2005 6:35 AM EDT

Camping by Day (rares per day):

Thurs: 6
Fri: 9
Sat: 7
Sun: 10
Mon: 11
Tues: 12
Wed: 12

Armour Spawns:
1: CoI, Gi, FF, MS, MC, BG, HG, ToA 2: Corn, HoD, DB, EB, CML, Adam 3: SF, ToE, EG, TG, EC; 4: HoE; ToBF, IF; 5: BoM
Weapon Spawns:
1: ELBow, EXbow, BTh; 2: AXBow; Exec 8: katana
Of the 67 rares camped (Top 10 Campers):
Shark (10) Spaceman (7) Sefton (6) Strongbad; Coolwater (5) Flipperkill (4) Karmic Mishap, Nixon (3) MegamanV; mchaos (2)
(70% off all items)
Top 5 Armor Campers
Shark (10) StrongBad, Coolwater, Spaceman (5), Sefton (4)
Top 5 Weapon Campers
Sefton, Flipper, Spaceman (2) Karmic Mishap, ZAP (1)

Shark Haul: Corn, HoE, HoD x2, ToE x2, ToBF, IF, BoM, SF
Spaceman Haul: HoE, Kat x2, FF, BoM, EG, IF

Last Week's Report
If you would like anything else added to the report; post what you'd like added... I will not be calculating store visits unless someone wishes to pay me 100k/week to do so, it is time-wasting and annoying...

Shark August 11 2005 7:08 AM EDT

I need to work a little harder in the weapons store :(

CoolWater August 11 2005 10:02 AM EDT

still no MH.
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