Not a bug? but it could be an improvement. (in General)

[SoV] Shiv [/me Forge Stuff :D] August 12 2005 10:07 PM EDT

The marjority of you guys dont use a ToBF, though dont dismiss this idea right away.

In battle when an FB mage fires its fb and it gets countered by amf, it would backfire the damage back to the caster. But if that caster was wearing a ToBF could that amf backfire be negated since its returning fire dmg back to the caster?

any feedback?

chernobyl August 12 2005 10:24 PM EDT

Tried it; it doesn't work. FB mage still took full AMF damage.

Special J August 12 2005 10:30 PM EDT

Better off with ToE in this case.

[SoV] Shiv [/me Forge Stuff :D] August 13 2005 5:31 AM EDT

well i know using a tobf to absorb amf backfire doesnt work atm, but wouldn't it be cool if it did?

Phaete August 13 2005 5:56 AM EDT

This was already not happening when it still was a CoBF.
Though logically it should be reduced when the backlash damage is fire based.

There were some minor posts about it.

I found peace with the thought that backlash damage is some kind of mental damage, brought on by the AMF, instead of the fire partly being redirected.
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