Rough estimate needed. (in General)

[SoV] Shiv [/me Forge Stuff :D] August 15 2005 5:10 AM EDT

just wanted to know if some1 could give me a rough estimate on how a minion's stats would look like if i took 700K exp and placed it into these scenarios.

1. Wall - pure HP
2. Tank - 1/3, 1/2, max
3. Mage - Hp, DD(any type)
4. Enchanter - EO or ED (any type)
5. Enchanter combo - EO+ED(any type) 50% exp each.

QBJohnnywas August 15 2005 5:15 AM EDT

It obviously varies but 700k XP gives you approx 70k of a stat. For instance my wall has only 100k HP but that cost me a bit over a million XP.
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