Sunsunova/Ilovehellokitty (in Public Record)

Ilovehellokitty August 18 2005 6:36 AM EDT

Sunsunova agrees to forge my Leather Gaunlets from base of [0] to [+7] of NetWorth change = 41,800$. He also agrees to forge it for 70% of this NW change. I 'd lend it to him for a whole day.

Thank you very much sunsunnova.


[Nkki]WildEagle [SNB Forging Services] August 18 2005 6:38 AM EDT

confirm, i agreed to forge the armor for Ilovehellokitty to +7 til tomorrow

[Nkki]WildEagle [SNB Forging Services] August 18 2005 7:39 AM EDT

i'm done forging the gauntlets.. Ilovehellokitty agreed to send me 30k when she gets them back tomorrow.

Ilovehellokitty August 18 2005 7:40 AM EDT

yup super tooo fast. Thanks you so much hun.

Ilovehellokitty August 18 2005 10:00 AM EDT

Ilovehellokitty (I Love You) Sunsunova (Alasondia) $30000 -- payment for forging.

All paid up.

Thanks much hun,

Ai. -=(^.^)=-

[Nkki]WildEagle [SNB Forging Services] August 18 2005 10:25 AM EDT

yup. thank you..

[Nkki]WildEagle [SNB Forging Services] August 19 2005 6:57 AM EDT

the gauntlets have been returned..
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