The Dogs of War (in Contests)

QBBarzooMonkey August 19 2005 12:24 PM EDT

Okay, this one's a little different from what I've been doing lately:

If you look at the character picture on my character Princess WonderDog, you'll see my dog, my mother-in-law's dog, and my sister-in-law's 2 dogs. The four minions are named for them.

1. Identify them, starting in the upper left and going clockwise.
2. Identify their breeds. Two are mixed, so do it like this:
"so-and-so = german sheperd, chihuahua, Laso Apso mix"
3. Tell me which one is mine

Believe or not, all of the answers are readily available to you without having to ask me anything.

The stakes for this one is 250k CB2. Now git along doggies!

3D August 19 2005 2:53 PM EDT

What do you mean identify? Like idnetify who's is who's or identify the names?

empty orchestra August 19 2005 3:00 PM EDT

1. regan the wonderdog, jack the bear, sensei boopadoo, shamus jon

2. regan = poodle, basenji, cocker spaniel
jack = cocker spaniel
sensei = pomeranian poodle
shamus = pomeranian

3. regan the wonderdog

Ilovehellokitty August 19 2005 3:08 PM EDT

1. regan the wonderdog, jack the bear, sensei boopadoo, shamus jon 2. regan = poodle, cocker spaniel jack = cocker spaniel sensei = pomeranian poodle shamus = pomeranian 3. regan the wonderdog

QBBarzooMonkey August 19 2005 3:12 PM EDT

777 wins! Excellent work!

BarzooMonkey (The Wonka Factory) 777 (babalon) $250000 -- Winner! 3:09 PM EDT

empty orchestra August 19 2005 3:14 PM EDT

whew, tough one! thanx. =D
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