Clan castle ?? (in General)

Arorrr August 23 2005 4:36 PM EDT

I know that the idiot FAQ has no NPC rule but this would be cool.

Clan castle.

Weekday+Saturday: clan fights other clan for CP. Use earned CP to build up the castle defense: hire minions, upgrade armour, weapons and castle wall/turrets (using fixed CP cost table).
Sunday: no clan point, castle cannot be destroyed, strongest castle wins for the week.

Players can attack enemy castle on weekday+Saturday but does not earn any CP, CB$ or Exp. Have some form of castle degradation from fighting. This way, even the strongest castle (most CP earned) can be destroyed.

This can be balanced out by many form. Clans can have a choice of going on PvP offensive (earn CP, $, exp) or Castle raid (no CP, no exp, losing money from healing).

Just testing the water. It may be hard to code. Only idea for change month.

QBJohnnywas August 23 2005 4:44 PM EDT

you could set this up as a char who is accessible by all members of the clan. Introduce new types of armour, weapons as castle accessories - although it could only defend never attack. You would have to have it accessible by all members of the clan so that upgrades could happen regardless of which clan member is on-line. You wouldn't want your castle to fall behind just because the clan owner is on holiday for instance.

Setting it up as a char would probably make it easier to code.

nice idea =)

QBJohnnywas August 23 2005 4:48 PM EDT

On second thoughts that accessibility would have to be the responsibility of only one player - clan owner - but you could transfer the character.
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