60 sec bot check limit (in General)

Duke August 24 2005 3:14 AM EDT

For those that does not know there a 60 sec limit to answer a boot check.I think it too small often i get a botcheck fail cuz i am on CB1 or CB2.

Adrian Exodus August 24 2005 3:18 AM EDT

You have 2 minutes to respond.

120 sec, and I'm on cb1 and cb2 alt tabbing between them is easy its only when i go off to do other things do i miss a bot check.

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] August 24 2005 3:21 AM EDT

It's 2 minutes(120 seconds) to answer botchecks and not 1. Maybe you should check to make sure that you don't have a botcheck before switching to CB1 or CB2, whichever the case may be.

Lumpy Koala August 24 2005 5:48 AM EDT

Add it longer and Bazounga might come back :)

Special J August 24 2005 3:18 PM EDT

It is plenty long.

Josh [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 25 2005 11:37 AM EDT

NK, there aren't many people left that know what you are talking about. I however do. Did you forget about BadAsh? =)
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