Attn Jon: Small suggestion for transfer log (in General)

DAWG August 25 2005 6:20 AM EDT

There is currently a box that you can exclude system accounts such as items rented out, auctioneer, blacksmith, ect. It would be nice if either within that box or another extra box there was a way to exclude rental payments too. For people who have allot of items in rentals it really fills up their transfers and like me I do loans also so I am always having to check that transfer log to see if payments were made.

This is not a major thing just something that always bugs me when I am looking through my transfers.

Thank you for acknowledging my suggestion weather you chose to do anything doesn't matter to me just here for help.

Seams also to me that the only way to have that fixed is adding a not like statement in the query for the what column that had this:

But I do not know exactly how your system is set up so wouldn't know exactly.

Also another idea for this is just adding another check box next to the "Restrict to items matching (SQL wildcards allowed):" that would allow that box if checked to exclude those items that are put in the query. So if the user "us" would want to exclude rent payments than we could just put in %rent% and check the box.

Thanks again.
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