"Hey", Herbie said "Tony, can you fly?" (in Contests)

QBBarzooMonkey August 26 2005 11:57 PM EDT

But Tony couldn't fly...

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] August 26 2005 11:58 PM EDT

Tony died.

Ilovehellokitty August 26 2005 11:59 PM EDT

let's get back to the basic...ranting
what's the Question and what is the rule and what's the prize.?

QBBarzooMonkey August 27 2005 12:02 AM EDT

I'll let you know when you get it right :)

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] August 27 2005 12:02 AM EDT

Jim Carroll - People Who Died

QBBarzooMonkey August 27 2005 12:05 AM EDT

Karmic Mishap wins!

BarzooMonkey (The Wonka Factory) Karmic Mishap (Chao Tipper)$25000 -- Winner! 12:04 AM EDT

CM me about the item naming...

I know this one was easily Googled, but I just couldn't resist any longer :P

Special J August 27 2005 12:13 AM EDT

I have won one of BM's contests and had an item named, so I stayed out of this one.
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