The black bull has grown old (in Contests)

QBBarzooMonkey August 27 2005 1:07 AM EDT

That's the English translation. Give me:

1) the original Zulu line
2) it's relevance - that is - why I would ask for this (hint - how are my contests usually answered?)

Wonderpuff August 27 2005 1:23 AM EDT

1)Yaguka lenkunzi emnyama

2) Dance Across the Centuries -Johnny Clegg (juluka)

QBBarzooMonkey August 27 2005 8:29 AM EDT

Wonderpuff wins! Good job!

BarzooMonkey (The Wonka Factory) Wonderpuff (Mordster) $25000 -- Winner! 8:26 AM EDT

Wonderpuff August 27 2005 9:01 AM EDT

Cool, thanks!
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