ToBF Report (in General)

[T]Vestax September 1 2005 9:27 PM EDT

After recently being a member of the ToBF club i did enough fighting to test out and clear up many assumptions that I had. I assumed that if I dodged a melee blow with the ToBF I would do backlash, but I was wrong. This means that the sweet spot of the ToBF is small... really small. I wanted to be hit enough to deliver backlash, but I also wanted to avoid double hits as much as possible (particularly since I had no AC). If the damage dealer I had died from being extremely weak, my ToBF either caused a stalemate or just simply died. Plus after seeing the damage first hand, yeah it was worthless.

Surely the rest of my team was iffy, but the ToBF minion was nearly Ideal. It had HP and DX to outperform a non-ToA tank in defense. It had DBs, EG, and an axbow. My impression was that the ToBF should be the anti-ToA tattoo and even without all this fantastic equipment I should be able to perform well against them. It turned out that the ToA teams were to ones I lost most to, not the least.

The familiars added a whole new minion to your team and the ToA is like taking two tanks and adding them together. However, I just didn't get that kind of 'extra minion' result with the ToBF, which you should get if the tattoo doesn't blanket an effect on the entire team like the way the ToE does.

Anyhow, here's a direct comparison with the tattoo that resembles the ToBF the most. I say they resembles eachother in that they are the only tattoos that enhance the minion who wears it and only that minion.
ToA versus ToBF:

  ToA                  ToBF                   Comment
  Additional pth       Additional Evasion     Neither. Balanced seeing as they are equal
  Additional ST        Backlash Damage        ToA. Even if they offer the same damage
                                              the ToA can be used all the time in both
                                              melee and ranged, against mages and tanks,
                                              and if they get hit or if they don't.
  Additional DX        Fire Protection        ToA. The DX helps attack and defend versus
                                              an entire class of Damage dealers, tanks.
                                              The ToBF only defends (not attack) one
                                              type of only one class of damage dealer.
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