Multi: Snownt, kskahun, Thundar, Kinjo (in Public Record)

bartjan September 8 2005 5:50 PM EDT

Banned all but Snownt, who is (almost) reset. He was supporter in all 4 accounts, and managed to collect 7 Vorpal Blades. Unfortunately (for him), but paying $10 does not make you immune for the 'only 1 account per person rule' this game has.

Adrian Exodus September 8 2005 6:44 PM EDT

wow 4 supporter multis..and 7 VB,

I sure you like quadruple checked but dang...whats the point of trying to do 4 multis?

Pysche September 8 2005 7:26 PM EDT

4 sets of BA feeding cash into one account would give you a nice edge.This is why it is against the rules.

Adrian Exodus September 8 2005 7:31 PM EDT

hehe yeah thats how inocent i am(or maybe just forgetful) i was thinking that the multi accounts where to play more, them being supporters and all, bah utter sillyness
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