Wolff//Karmic Mishap deal (in Public Record)

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] September 11 2005 3:27 AM EDT

As discussed, I will sell Wolff my compound bow:
A Wooden Gun [5x35] (+22)
for 800k on a payment plan. I will lend it to him every week until this plan is paid off. He owes me a 90k payment + 3% interest every Sunday at midnight, server time. If I don't get my money by then, he has an added payment of 6.5% of the missed payment added to the next one. If he does not pay me for six weeks running, I will keep his money and my bow. Wolff should be confirming here shortly. Good to do business with you! ^.^

Wolff September 11 2005 3:32 AM EDT

I agree with the set forth payment plan and rental of the hearby said weapon "A Wooden Gun" and also agree with the interest percentages of 3% and the 6% compensation and the fact that if i do not pay him for six weeks running he gets to keep the weapon and the money i have paid him up to that point.
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