Multi: Sansai, Link, Sammith (in Public Record)

bartjan September 12 2005 8:27 AM EDT

Banned Link and Sammith, reset Sansai's main char.

bartjan September 23 2005 4:31 AM EDT

Some never learn.
Banned Sansai, Dammit, Eternity.

bartjan September 26 2005 5:54 PM EDT

Some never, ever learn.

<Cataclysm> may I ask you a question, Admin man?
<Cataclysm> I share this computer with my brother and my friend and all of our accounts are banned
<Cataclysm> can I PLEASE keep this account and share it with them rather than having an account apiece?
=> Cataclysm Sorry, accounts are *never* allowed to be shared (did you actually read the Terms of Use before clicking 'I agree' ?) and banned simply means banned...
<Cataclysm> well, can I keep this account for myself then if they don't make one?
=> Cataclysm Nope. Please do search another game. Bye.

After that, he returned as Connoisseur_Of_Souls and made it very obvious in chat that an IP ban was really needed...
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