Character autoretired? (in General)

Belg September 13 2005 4:29 PM EDT

Just some moments ago i noticed my other character Bellug wasnt showing up anymore on the pulldown chracter menu...Also in Manage characters the poor guy is gone... Was he retired for some reason? did i miss the great "you shall not have more than one car "-thread, or is it a bug?

Whatever it is, after 4 days maybe the unretire option shows up. i hope, i miss my lesser tattoo of ice..:P


RAMPAGE September 13 2005 4:36 PM EDT

It looks like his score was too low compare to his PR.
You should have been sent an e-mail by the system a few days before it gets auto-retired.
Yes you can un-retire him after 4 days but if you don't get the score up (or reduce PR) the system will auto retire it again.
You can check the FAQ for more info.

Belg September 13 2005 4:41 PM EDT

True, forgot about that part, checked my mail now, no messages though....I'll wait and see..thanks for the reply though..:)

RAMPAGE September 13 2005 4:43 PM EDT

From the FAQ:
Q: What is this about Characters being auto-retired?
A: Auto-retire is a feature built into the game to get rid of abandoned characters. It compares your score and your PR (power rating). If your score drops too low relative to your power rating (the actual ratio is subject to change, but low enough that a normally equipped character will not have to worry), then you will receive a warning e-mail. If you do nothing, your character will be auto-retired in one week.

We do this because when people strip a Character of items and move on to another without retiring the first, the abandoned Character will sink in score and start to cause a lot of stalemates because his HP is high compared to others at the lower score. This tends to really annoy people.

If you are actively playing your Character, reaching this ratio is unheard of. However, it does occasionally happen to "mule" Characters of an otherwise active user. (Hint: don't create Minions for your mules.) For this reason we send the warning e-mail to give you a chance to bring your PR up (or at the very least transfer your items off) before the time your character is set to auto-retire.

Finally, if your character does happen to get auto-retired you will still have one final option. There is a 4 day window beginning 4 days after you are auto-retired during which you can "unretire" your character. Remember, however, that if your score remains too low, your character will end up being auto-retired again.

Xiaz on Hiatus September 13 2005 8:42 PM EDT

I had one of my mules auto-retired, funny really, he had zero score, power rating, because he had no minions. Don't know how, don't know why. Hope that helps :)
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