aupStar/stonecold deal (in Public Record)

{CB1ate}aupStar September 14 2005 11:23 AM EDT

We will trade chars (his 300k MPR single minion char with my 100k MPR single minion char). This will be done in approximately 17 days when my items come out of rentals. I will also pay stonecold a 3million CBD premium for his higher PR char...=)

{CB1ate}aupStar September 14 2005 11:28 AM EDT

stonecold has been banned from the forums for some reason...=/ anywho he pmed me the following message:

Delivered to you (view all) (view all non-system)
From: stonecold Sent: 11:25 AM EDT Delivered: 11:26 AM EDT
I have read our deal in forums and here by sign it as correct thank you.
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