Swisha House Recruiting (in General)

Jack Skellington September 17 2005 1:49 AM EDT

We have two new members right now both pulling down scores at around or above 3000 points/day.

We have been up in the top 10 as a first day clan and need your help to remain in bonusland =)

Please apply if you think your presence will help.
Thanks, Jack

Tharegulata September 17 2005 5:07 AM EDT

As the founder of Swisha House,
I am Mike Jones, I am looking for a support cast to help out our Ice Age Soldiers, we use almost max turns everyday and are gaining LOTS right now. The clan bonus is up to about 12% and can continue to rise as long as we get your help. I will be monitoring the members and their progress and contributions to the clan, we are trying to make this the most beneficial to everyone. So that means serious players only please. Send me the request and hopefully it will work out.. Until next time, keep grippin' that grain.

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