Another Hurricane! (in Off-topic)

{CB3}-HR22 September 24 2005 12:34 PM EDT

As most of you know Hurricane Rita has hit LA and TX.

Unfortunatly my grandparents were affected by this storm.
They lived in Lake Charles which is a large port in Louisana. I have not heard from them yet, but i hope they are alright, as well as there home.
I have been watching the news and it looks like some of the homes are tore up pretty badly, but almost everyone has evacuated and there has not been any reported deaths. All we can do is wait, and hope nothing harmful happens

/me prays

Roughneck September 24 2005 2:05 PM EDT

I live in NE louisana and its raining kittens and puppies here due to Rita.Hope they are ok,Phones probably down

{CB3}-HR22 September 24 2005 3:46 PM EDT

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