CT Loan Default - Admin help requested (in Public Record)

[SoM]CupofJoe [Peoples Bank of Carnage] September 26 2005 2:55 AM EDT

$200,000 was loaned to CT, 25 August, by The People's Bank of Carnage.

[SoM]CupofJoe (CB2 Bank) CT (Sasuke) $200000 -- Short Term Loan August 25 2005 12:58 PM EDT

Since that point there have been no payments made and his last login was 27 August. I have tried multiple times and in multiple ways to contact this person.

Currently, his balance owed stands at $277,738. He has gone 33 days without payment.

I understand that this person is obviously not playing any longer and the policy is that I will not receive my money back from this person if he is reset.

However, as per the Bank Charter I am asking for this to be handled as per the CB2 defaulted loans policy.

Thanks in advance for the help.
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