BrandonLP // Spontaneous Combustion (Leon) deal (in Public Record)

BrandonLP October 4 2005 8:45 PM EDT

I'm loaning my character Brock Samson to Leon for some forging he did for me. The loan will be for six months, but there will be potential to keep Brock longer if Leon wants and I don't mind. The terms are that Leon can modify the character in any way he wants (adding minions, changing tattoo), as long as Brock remains a UC minion. The gear coming with the character may not be sold, traded, given away, etc. If Leon doesn't have a use for it, he can send it back to me. If you agree, post that you confirm here, Leon.

Synco October 4 2005 8:46 PM EDT


Synco October 4 2005 9:29 PM EDT

Just posting the stuff so I don't forget:

The Spirit of Mags [1] (+54) 1,420,836
A Pair of Helm's Gauntlets [4] (+12) 1,633,420
A Helm of Deifel [6] (+14) 992,874
POWER SUPPRESSOR lvl 255,020 4,631,373

BrandonLP October 4 2005 9:30 PM EDT

As a side note, I'll be sending over an Axbow in a week or so.

Synco October 7 2005 6:53 PM EDT

Fear [4x34] (+32) 2,277,806 is added to the list.

Synco October 9 2005 6:23 PM EDT

Fear is off the list, and An Assassin's Crossbow [4x32] (+27) 1,685,392 is added to the list.

Synco October 27 2005 3:44 PM EDT

A Pair of Elven Boots [6] (+16) 2,064,462 is added to the list.

Synco November 1 2005 4:01 PM EST

An Enforcer's Crossbow [4x30] (+30) 1,617,519 is added to the list.
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