trigun / chappy (in Public Record)

chappy [Soup Ream] October 6 2005 12:00 PM EDT

trigun has agreed to insta my RoS with his named ToA NW 10,281,554

I will pay $30 USD and 517490 cb2 which is basically 80% rate.

I can't wear his tat yet due to max tat lvl so as soon as I can wear the new tat I'll transfer my RoS as is to trigun ..

If I missed anything just post it ..

confirm and I'll send $30 USD and cb2 monies

trigun October 6 2005 12:01 PM EDT


chappy [Soup Ream] October 6 2005 12:09 PM EDT

chappy021779 (Chappy) trigun (ShadowSkill) $569490 -- insta + $30 USD 12:08 PM EDT

trigun (The Shell Bullet) chappy021779 (Chappy) Mark of the Beast ($10281554) -- for insta.tnx^_^ 12:07 PM EDT

All that is left is for me to send you my RoS when I can wear the new tat...
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