It was a '54 with a mashed-up door... (in Contests)

QBBarzooMonkey October 7 2005 9:22 AM EDT

1. ...and a cheesy little amp

2. <----------------------------- (1979-1986)

3. The Karate Kid vs. Jack Butler

Game on!

Hal October 7 2005 9:33 AM EDT

1. Joe's Garage - Frank Zappa

2. Steve Vai

3. Crossroads

Number 2 is a real stab in the dark, though

QBBarzooMonkey October 7 2005 9:37 AM EDT

But a very good stab. "How do they connect" is the last part you need to answer.

Hal October 7 2005 9:39 AM EDT

Steve V played with Zappa? Steve V was the Devil's axe player in Crossroads

Hal October 7 2005 9:40 AM EDT

From Wiki:
Steve mailed transcriptions of Zappa's songs to him, and after meeting Vai for the first time he was so impressed with the abilities of the young musician, Zappa hired him to do work transcribing his seemingly endless array of experimental symphonic rock.

QBBarzooMonkey October 7 2005 9:42 AM EDT

Hal wins!

JuJuLizard Rex (Princess WonderDog) Hal (Eyeme) $50000 -- Winner! 9:41 AM EDT

Hal October 7 2005 9:43 AM EDT

Woot! I win, My first win on CB. Woot!

Maelstrom October 7 2005 9:46 AM EDT

1. Frank Zappa - Joe's Garage (Acts I, II & III)

2. Steve Vai (holding his "Bad Horsie" JEM Signature Model Ibanez guitar)

3. Crossroads: lead actor was Ralph Macchio, star of the karate kid movies. Steve Vai played a guitar wizard named Jack Butler.

Steve Vai played guitar on several of Zappa's albums, following Joe's Garage.

Maelstrom October 7 2005 9:47 AM EDT

doh! too slow :(

QBBarzooMonkey October 7 2005 9:56 AM EDT

Excellent job nonetheless, Maelstrom :)

2 more next week!
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