Templar Invictus recruiting: death and destruction ahead. (in General)

Revs October 8 2005 3:33 PM EDT


Players wanted for hazardous duty, small wages, bitter enemies, long months of difficult fighting with no guarantees. You will be passed by NUB's that come after you. Constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honor, recognition, achievement, and high exp/$ %bonus in case of success.

- Must be supporter
- NUB would be bonus
- We expect at least 1500 cp's a day
- Must be less than 150k score/pr
- Please apply directly to Templar Invictus

**(Adapted from Ernest Shackleton recruiting men for south pole expedition, 5000 applied, 27 chosen).**

Tezmac October 10 2005 10:11 AM EDT

Did we get anyone from this? :O)

Grant October 10 2005 11:01 AM EDT

You should. For once it's a moderately intelligent call for volunteers without numerous typos :)
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