[MP] Money Pig - webjunkie Loan (in Public Record)

webjunkie October 9 2005 12:31 PM EDT

From: [MP] Money Pig "I would like to loan 1.75M. I think I could pay back within 3 weeks, but probably sooner. If I dont win this auction I will pay back within one day with 0.75% interest. I need the loan before 2pm server time."

Ok If paid back with 24 hours .75% (1,763,125) If not 1,837,500 with interest complied on Mondays 5% of the balance.
Please post to confirm

[MP]MoneyPig [SNB Forging Services] October 9 2005 12:33 PM EDT

He didnt read my other CM:

To: webjunkie Sent: 10:38 AM EDT Delivered: 12:25 PM EDT
Sorry. I've got another loan.
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