Support needed? (in Off-topic)

Vicious Cat October 9 2005 6:09 PM EDT

Apologies if this is the wrong forum but...
For weeks IE on my home laptop has been misbehaving - not loading pages properly, all sorts. It was my g/f's (loads of knitting patterns on it and such ;-) ), so as soon as I could I reformatted and reinstalled. I've updated all the XP stuff (SP2 etc) - which took me more time than I thought reasonable (thank you Bill Gates).
Anyhoo, IE now runs sweet as a nut, however (ya knew there was a however dincha) - even though dear old CB runs a lot quicker than it usd to, the sidebar keeps disappearing when I fight.
This has gone on through multiple reboots, while I was reinstalling, so it's not just a 'restart IE' thing.
If it helps, the error on the page says that parent.sidebar.document is null or not an object. On lines 168 and 103 no less.
Anyone any clues?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 9 2005 6:12 PM EDT

install firefox, IE isn't worth the heaps of bad code it's made from.

Special J October 9 2005 6:13 PM EDT

I belive this error is a special IE error,

I get it at work when I fight fast and a bot check pops up, then the error happens if I fight again before the the focus is moved to the bot check answer form input. After answering the bot check the left frame errors and the fight list starts to do crazy things.

This has never happened to me while using FF, so I am not sure why IE script errors out or how to get around it.

If possible, do yourself a favor and download firefox and see the web in a brilliant new color.

[Tranquility]-USDForger [Azn Forgesmith] October 9 2005 6:13 PM EDT

i do.

Vicious Cat October 9 2005 6:20 PM EDT

lol cheers guys.
I'll give Firefox a look

Vicious Cat
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